Lavishly Generous

God is love. He is just. He is merciful. God is also generous. In the Garden of Eden, God lavishly provided all man needed. There was no lack, no need unfulfilled. When David committed his most notorious sin – taking another man’s wife and ultimately having her husband killed – in God’s rebuke, He told David, “I have given you everything and if you had just asked, I would have...


Jesus was perfectly obedient. Because of Jesus’ obedience we stand before God holy and blameless because we are in Christ. When God sees us, He sees His son – the perfectly obedient lamb of God. This is important for us as new Christians because now we get to reap the benefits of Jesus’ perfect obedience. Deuteronomy 28 promised that if the children of Israel obeyed, these blessings would come upon...

No Lack

I grew up in a culture where if you were good, God may give you want you needed – no more, no less. But as I have grown older and have develop a personal relationship with God, I have found Him to be a generous Father who loves to lavish His children with gifts. From Genesis to Revelation, God is good! Now, even with that revelation, it does not prevent...

Trust not Judge

It’s easy to read the story of Israelites and judge their behavior. After they had seen how God delivered them from bondage, then allowed them to plunder their enemies, parted an entire sea, and destroyed their enemies how could they possibly not trust God? How could they possibly not trust His faithfulness, His goodness? How could they moan, groan, and complain? It’s easy to judge until I take a look...

The God Who Sees To It

Has God called you to do something and you are hesitant because of your lack? Perhaps you don’t feel qualified. Or maybe the finances are daunting. What is preventing you from stepping out in faith? Abraham was asked to make the ultimate sacrifice, his son of promise. As he climbed that mountain to give it all away, I wonder if he tried to reason how God would keep His promise....

The Promise of Abraham

Blessed to be a blessing. That it is who we are as Christians. As heirs, descendants of Abraham we have been given much to bless many. Earlier this week I prayed this prayer: “Lord, give me seed to sow.” I felt His response was, “I already have.” I thought He meant the gift card I had gotten a few days prior. So I set out to find someone to bless....


At church yesterday, my pastor shared his vision of remodeling our worship center. I wander what our reactions would have been like if he suggested that the doors were to be overlaid with gold, lampstands and communion cups made of pure gold? Probably would not have gone over well. The extravagance of the temple built by Solomon offends us all. Why? Because we cannot comprehend the vastness of God. We...

My True Source

There have been many political ads recently claiming that the average teacher salary is 50k a year. The ads are misleading at best, a lie at worse. In the last four years, new teachers have lost the ability to earn tenure, be compensated for getting their masters, and lost their longevity pay (a yearly bonus for years of service.) Those are the facts. But the truth is God will supply...