Nothing is Too Hard For God

Ninety years old. Past childbearing age. Sara was content to see the promise fulfilled via her husband and her maidservant. Dreams of bearing her own were long past. She had accepted infertility. After hope had gone. After disappointment turned to acceptance, after resigning to a life of barrenness, a promise is given. This time, not just to her husband but to Sara. Sara’s response: A mocking, “Yeah, right.” But God’s...

No Limits

Do we limit God by our limited thinking? Could it be that God wants to do great and mighty things through us and for us, but we are limited by our reasoning? God wanted to establish His covenant through Abraham and his wife Sarah. Both were old. Sarah was beyond childbearing years. It seemed impossible. Abraham laughed at the prospect and then presented God with a logical, safe alternative. Perhaps,...

Don’t Fear Birthing Ishmael

It had been 10 years. Abraham had left what was familiar. Had traveled to a foreign land. Accumulated wealth. Fought some battles. But still did not have what he desired most of all, what had been promised to him four times, an heir. I understand why Sara and Abraham did what they did. Ten years is a long time to wait for a promise, especially when biological clocks are ticking...

Hold On! I’m Coming!

Abraham was given a promise. Three times God spoke to him and reiterated the promise. Abraham had left his family, separated from his nephew, was living in a foreign land, waiting. Days turned to months; months turned to years. Abraham is aging. Sarah is aging and nothing seems to be happening. Doubt began to rise. Did I hear Him correctly? Did I leave my family and friends for nothing? Fear...

See It! Claim it! Live it!

Within in two chapters (not sue of the time span but within 10 years) God spoke the promise to Abraham three times. In his latest reiteration of the promise, God had Abraham do three things. As God speaks promises to us, it is helpful for us also to do these things as well: 1. See it. God told Abraham he would give him as much of the land as he...

What Day Is It?

“Rebuild the temple,” God commanded. They began but obstacles, accusations, jealousy, stopped the work. Sixteen years later, God speaks again. This time with a command and a promise: Build my house and I am with you. What has God called you to do but fear, accusations, obstacles have caused the work to cease? What are you waiting for? The resources? The stars to align? Validation from your leadership? The right...

Treasure the Promise

“Your child will save the world.” Prophecy upon prophecy, Mary received about her baby boy. Elisabeth prophesied when she heard Mary’s voice. Her baby leapt in agreement. The Shepherd’s came and told of their holy visitation concerning the child. Simeon and Anna took one look and knew this child was the Savior of the world. The Bible says, “Mary pondered these things in her heart. For three decades Mary carried...

It’s Time!

Rebuild the temple. This is what Zerubbabel was charged to do. A daunting task when you consider the splendor and opulence of the original temple. Nonetheless, Zeubbabel began the task. He laid the foundation. But somewhere along the way discouragement set in. He was opposed, the people were apathetic, resources were not available and the rebuilding stop for 12 years. Has God put something on your heart that seems daunting,...


Israel complained against God, questioned His goodness. They refused to go into the promised land. They rebelled against their leader, Moses. But when Balaam is offered riches to curse Israel, the Lord has Balaam say, “no iniquity is found in Israel.” What? I don’t understand that. But what I do know is that because of the cross, God has declared we are righteous and therefore He sees no iniquity in...