What the Heck?

Have you ever got mad with God for answering your prayer? Is it just me? The other day, a friend was experiencing a major crisis. We prayed together and BOOM! The next morning our prayers were answered. Now, while I was excited and happy for my friend and we rejoiced in the Lord together, I have to admit, I was a little like, “God, what the heck?” I have been...

Let Us Pray

I woke up this morning thinking about politics. Ugh. “Lord, I don’t want to get into a political debate this morning on Facebook.” I thought. The Holy Spirit said, “Neither do I. But avoiding issues don’t make them go away. Pray for your nation.” So here is my prayer: “Father, I thank you that you are God and there is none other than you. Our hope as a nation is...

That’s What Friends are For

My life is busy. Too busy. In the middle of the busyness I have friends and family going through major life crisis. Last night, as I drifted off to sleep, they were on my heart. I love them so much. I wish I could step in, pray the right prayer, and all of their problems would be solved. I drifted off to sleep last night with a heavy heart, carrying...


Last night I found out some pretty devastating news. I was distraught. Worry filled my heart. I didn’t know what to do. (My family is fine.) So I lay in bed tossing and turning. Even an over-the-counter sleep aid could not calm my anxious mind. Then the Holy Spirit asked me, “What would you tell a friend to do if they were in this situation?” “Take their eyes off their...

We Are The Body

I awoke yesterday morning to a text from my “spiritual” daughter that she was being transported to the hospital. She asked me to pray. For almost a year, she and I have been contending for her health. We have declared and rebuked. So yesterday, when she texted, my heart was faint. I could not pray. I had no words. I could not declare or offer words of wisdom. So I...

True Need

What do I really need? The disciples were entering the temple and a crippled beggar asked for money. Begging was his job. Everyday, he sat at the temple hoping for enough to feed himself. He had no expectations there could be more for him. He thought money was what he needed. Peter and the disciples saw beyond this man’s monetary need. They saw his true need. They saw what this...

Lessons Learned from Math

“And whatever you ask for in prayer, believing, you will receive.” MATTHEW‬ ‭21:22‬ ‭AMP‬‬ But I asked and the marriage ended. But I asked and the the loved one died. But I asked and the sickness lingered. But I asked… I love math because it is trustworthy, it’s eternal, it never changes. If my students get a wrong answer, I never question the math. Together we find where they made...

Be A Strong Branch

At the end of Jacob’s life, he describes his son, Joseph as: ““A fruitful bough (a main branch of the vine), A fruitful bough by a spring (a well, a fountain); Its branches run over the wall [influencing others].” Genesis 49:22 Joseph had some bad breaks – sold into slavery, falsely imprisoned – but he did not allow any of that to change who he was. He became a fruitful...

Getting MORE in 2019

It’s a new year! Full of hope and possibilities! Gym memberships are up. The sale of healthy foods rise during this time. We have resolved, this year will be better. This year I will lose the weight, save money, keep my house clean, write the next great American novel or compose the next great symphony.  Let me share with you two spiritual principles to help you reach your goals: 1....


Jesus gave a parable about a friend knocking on a door late at night. While the friend was not moved by their friendship, he was moved by their persistency. Jesus paints a picture of shameless audacious prayers availing much. Knocking, asking, seeking until our hearts’ desires are realized. But He further explains, we ask like a child petitioning our parents. We do not beg God. If our prayers are aligned...