Peter caused unrest with the Jewish community by preaching Jesus and healing. He caused unrest with his fellow believers by eating with and including Gentiles in the salvation plan. He was beaten, jailed, threaten yet he continue to stir the pot.
Going Against the Grain
Peter was an established leader in this new movement. He had walked with Jesus. He preached a sermon and 3000 people were converted to Christ. He was the first to introduce the Gospel to the Gentiles. Peter carried so much power and authority that his shadow healed as he walked the streets. Peter was the Man! I wonder how awkward it was for Paul, a former persecutor of the church,...
Am I a Sinner?
For all of his life, Peter had had been taught that the Gentiles were sinners. It was unlawful for him to associate with them. The Gentiles were seen as morally bankrupt and presumed to be idolaters. The Jews thought God was for the Jews and the Jews only. But God speaks to Peter, his rock, and changes traditions held for thousands of years. Peter was hungry and ready to eat. ...