When I didn’t deserve it, when I had fallen, when I was sinking, the Father was gracious toward me. The Father showed mercy, granted me favor, was kind, and granted forgiveness. The Father, kissed my boo boo, held my hand and together we walked back to a place of health.
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My students have been “over cookin’ my grits” this week and my mercy meter is running dangerously low. I have literally begged kids to turn in work. I have made remediation assignment to help improve their grade. I have sent text messages and emails to parents and still nothing. Along with the technology issues I’ve had this week, yesterday, I was done. Or so I thought. After entering make up...
The Invitation
We come… Nothing or no one can prevent us… There are not obstacles that can stop us… The admission price has been paid. The invitation extended. There is no barrier between us and Him. We come boldly… Awed by His majesty… Humbled by His Presence… Yet knowing His scepter is always extended. Knowing we are accepted. Knowing we will not be turned away. We come boldly to His Throne of...
Jesus’ Secret
She was guilty. No doubt about it. She was caught in the very act. They dragged her out of bed, half-naked, head hung, ashamed. She was a pawn in their twisted game. This angry mob demanded justice. She was an adulterer. The law was clear, she deserved stoning. She deserved an horrific, embarrassing, shameful death. What would this Jesus do? If He were truly a prophet, if He were truly...
Not a Requirement but a Response
God gave his people a set of rules to live by. Ultimately, these rules were for their benefit. But instead of these rules leading to godly living, it led to a cycle of: sin-punishment-repentance-forgiveness-restoration-repeat. It was a vicious cycle. Finally, God said in his frustration through the prophet Micah, “Listen, I don’t want Your burnt offerings. I don’t want your rivers of oil. I’m not asking you to sacrifice your...
Blinded by the Light
For most of my life, I read the Bible through the lens that God was angry and ready to smite me. But as I now read the Bible through the lens of His grace, I see things totally different. For instance, I have always thought God struck Paul with blindness during his Damascus Road experience. But in rereading that story this morning in the light of Grace, I come to...
Today’s Mercies
Yesterday was rough. Several things that I have been praying about for a long time resurfaced. It came out of nowhere. It was a day that made you reevaluate your theology. It was the kind of day full regrets and made you want a cosmic do over. But this morning, I am waken to God speaking this scripture over me: “Melissa, my mercies are new every morning.” So today, God...