Bathsheba – The Naked Truth

It’s time we cleared Bathsheba’s name. Bathsheba did not seduce David. The Bible clearly tells us Bathsheba was cleansing herself after her menstrual cycle. This required that she bathed in a Mikveh. A Mikveh is not a portable structure that Bathsheba could strategically place in front of David, rather it was built into the roof of the building. Reading the account of the story, we clearly see: 1. David was...


David was older. He had made some mistakes that brought him to this moment in his life. His son, his seed, his own flesh and blood had taken over his kingdom and was now trying to kill him. David flees. David knew what it was like to flee for his life. When he was a young man, before he was king, he fled from Saul and lived in the strongholds....