Do Not Be Afraid

He created you. Meticulously knitted you in your mother’s womb. You were created for His glory. He knows you personally. He calls you by name. You are His. He has purchased you with a price. You are precious to Him. He honors you. He loves you. You have been chosen to know Him. Believe Him. Trust Him. Do not be afraid. For He is God. The Holy One. Savior. He...

God’s Original Intent

I love reading the creation story. To me, it tells of God’s original intent for humankind. This morning I’m struck by this thought. Man was formed from dust. The animals formed from dust. But woman was fashioned. We were taking from man and made for a specific purpose – to be a mate for man. Now, Women Libbers, before you get your panties in a pinch, hear me out. Woman...