Jesus did not just die for you, He died as you. Jesus was sinless and had lived His life in perfect communion with the Father. But for three hours darkness covered the earth and every sin was put upon Jesus. Every Sin. Every vile, disgusting, unmentionable sin that was ever committed or ever would be committed was placed upon him. For three hours He saw murder, abortion, pedophilia, acts of terrorists, child abuse. There was no sin not placed upon Him. There was no sin too dastardly to be included. He bore them ALL.
And during this time, The Father turns away. He was forsaken in that moment so that we could ALWAYS be accepted. He carried our sin so that we could be forgiven. He accepted our punishment so that we could be holy and blameless in the eyes of the Father.
Whatever you may have done, know that Jesus died that day for your sin. He was forsaken so that you would always be accepted in the Beloved. God has not, He will not forsake you.
About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” ). (Matthew 27:46 NIV)