Filling the Gap Spring Blessing

During Spring Break, we are honored to support over seventy families in our community who face food insecurity. Thanks to the generosity of donors and volunteers, we provided groceries to help ensure children had nourishing meals during their time away school. Together, we filled pantries, lifted spirits, and made a meaningful impact  in the lives of so many.

Why It Matters

Often times, children in financially insecure families and underserved communities depend on school lunches as their primary means of having lunch at all. During spring break, these families may struggle to provide meals, or in general have limited resources. Our goal through this outreach is to bless these families, and to make sure that these kids have meals throughout the week regardless of their financial situation.

Since beginning this outreach a few years ago, the scope of support has grown each year, and we’ve been able to bless more and more families each year because of your support. In 2025, we plan to provide groceries to at least 100 families in our community. While we deliver groceries, we also put on a block party to build community, fit with live music and a provided lunch. To make all of this happen, we are accepting both financial donations and donations of groceries based on a shopping list we have put together (printer-friendly version available through the “Support this Event” button). If you would like to provide resources or volunteer for this event, click the “Support this Event” button above.

Volunteers are needed to

  • Canvas in the neighborhoods we are serving prior to the event (to let the residents know about this event and offer prayer)
  • TBD Organize the supplies and take inventory
  • March 26th – Pack up the groceries for delivery
  • March 29th – Serve food the day of the event
  • March 29th – Deliver the groceries
  • Now through March 29th – Pray for the event

Please Pray for

  • Plenty of supplies and volunteers
  • Good weather the day of the event and the week leading up to it
    • In 2024, the forecast called for rain and cold weather the entire day we were scheduled to deliver. We considered postponing because of this, but decided against it. We had to make a few adjustments due to rainy weather throughout the week, but the day of we were blessed with blue skies and wonderful weather!
  • Those receiving groceries and the other residents in these communities
    • Many of the residents in the communities we serve are in a place of financial hardship or limitation for various reasons. Several of them are dealing with health issues or other life circumstances that make working difficult. Some of them work multiple jobs and it simply isn’t enough to make ends meet. Many of the kids in these communities are or will be first generation college students. Please pray for the well being of these families and that they would receive blessings, success, and support, both from this event and otherwise.