The Challenge – Week 3 Day 3

David was a wanted man. Saul, his mentor and king, sought his life. He was exiled from his homeland. He tried to find refuge with his enemies, the Philistine, but had to fake insanity to escape. So David, this once prominent warrior of Israel, the man women sang songs about, now finds himself in a cave with 400 other societal rejects.

What do you do when you are at your lowest? What do you do when life throws you a curve ball? What do you do when life is unfair; when you find yourself living in a cave when God has promised you a kingdom? David worshipped. While in the cave, when it seemed he had lost everything, when the promise seemed a million miles away, David penned one of the most beautiful Psalms of praise, Psalm 34.

From the cave, not from the mountaintop, David declared:

I will worship God despite my circumstances.
I will seek God and He will answer. He will deliver me from all of my fears and troubles.
I look to Him and my face is never covered with shame.
Taste and see how good God truly is.
I will not lack any good thing.
God’s eyes are on me. He hears my cries. He is close to me.
Trouble may abound but God’s deliverance abounds even more.
The Lord has guaranteed my rescue. I will not be condemned.

Friends, regardless to whether or not you are in a cave or on a mountaintop this morning, “God is good.” And He has promised, “You shall not lack any good thing.” Say amen to His promise.

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