Testify! It’s a nice Christian word. It just means to share with others what God has done for you. It doesn’t have to be religious or wired. And it certainly does not have to be in a church setting. It’s not bragging or being prideful. It’s simply encouraging others by telling of God’s goodness.
God is not a respecter of person’s. Which means, when you tell your story, your listener needs to know that
God is good to you not because you were good but because He is good. Tell your story in such a way that He is the Hero. He may have used other people, but ultimately He is the Hero in the story.
So today, testify. Despite what we may be going through today, we each have a story of God’s faithfulness, His goodness, His brought me throughness. Testify!
Here is mine: On Sunday, God healed me of 7 years of knee pain. Share your story.