I have a confession. I try to be transparent on my page because as a teacher, I want you to learn from my example. But also, I want to model a lifestyle that is contemplative and repentive. There is absolutely no condemnation in Christ, therefore it’s okay to examine yourself and admit you were wrong. Today, I must examine my thoughts and admit I was wrong. If you have never...
Where’s the Fight?
This bears repeating: Our enemy is not the Democrats nor is it the Republicans. Our enemy is not the liberal media nor the conservative media. Our enemy is not the police nor is it BLM. Our is enemy is not those who ascribe to socialism, Marxism, Communism, or any other ism. Our enemy is not Caucasian, Negro, Asian, or Middle Eastern. Our enemy is not Boomers, Millennials, or Gen X....
Talk About It!
I remember the day after President Trump was elected. I remember the Lord saying to me, “Go to work and Preach the Gospel.” I prayed in the Spirit and worshipped as I drove to work. My first class was primarily minorities. Fear, sadness, disappointment permeated the room. Teenage eyes peered at me looking for answers. As I walked around checking homework, a young lady asked, “What are we going to...
How are you Known?
It was my birthday eve. My boys and I had a lovely meal and watched a cute movie. All was well until I made the mistake of reading a Facebook posts. I am learning to scroll past most of the craziness but every now and then, I can’t. This was one of those times. Despite my temptation, I didn’t respond to the sharer of the article. I took my anger...
The Heart of the Father
My daily reading plan has me reading the book of Jeremiah. This is probably not a good idea during a pandemic and racial unrest and while so many Christians and prophets are “Prophesying, America is about to be judged.” (Side note: The same Christians who say God is about to judge America, are also the same Christians that say America is the best country. Do you see why Pre-Christians may...
I Won’t Be Quiet
I’m asking myself, “Why can’t I be quiet?” It’s been over a month. Why can’t I just let it go. Honestly, my suburban lifestyle hasn’t change. My kids are fine. The shut down has been financially favorable for us. Why can’t I move on? Just stop talking about racial inequities in this country. Obviously, they are not affecting me. So, Melissa just be quiet. But I can’t. This quote explains...
Seated at the Table
Late yesterday evening, I sat on my porch swing, praying in the Spirit and asking for a revelation about a prophetic dream someone had given me. As I prayed, I felt this profound sadness. I wept. Tears flowed not for me, but for the Church. For my home church and for the church that meets in America. My heart truly aches because of the division within our churches and our...
No Fine Print
Recently, my church was searching for a new pastor. We had narrowed the search down to two candidates. Both great men. I was on the search committee and was trying to decide which I would recommend. So I did the very spiritual thing of Facebook Stalk both candidates. In my research, one of the candidates said something in a sermon that sealed the deal for me. He said, “God is...
What is God Doing?
Yesterday, my dear friend and I shared lunch. Over our three hour lunch we discussed politics, religion, and race relation. As we brought our discussion to an end, my friend asked a question. I don’t think she wanted an answer, but it’s a question many of us find ourselves asking in 2020: “What is God doing?” Later that evening, my husband and I sat on our swing porch in the...
Kiss and Makeup
Does anyone else feel like America is stuck in a bad Hallmark movie and the source of our drama is a simple misunderstanding that could easily be fixed with a conversation? Ten tribes of Israel gathered to make war against two of their brethren tribes. The source of the conflict? A beautiful altar. Two tribes built an altar because of fear of what might happen in the future. The...