
Today is a Good Day for a Resurrection!

It’s a good day to receive forgiveness so freely offered.

It’s a good day to shed guilt, shame, condemnation and receive righteousness, restoration and acceptance.

It’s a good day to hope again, to dream again, to anticipate again.

On Friday there was a death. Saturday was full of questions and confusion. But today! Today brings fulfillment of promises. Today there is resurrected life. Today is resurrected power. Today ushers a perpetual defeat to the enemy, a perpetual victory for Saints. Today changes everything for eternity. Today, He lives! Today we live!

Dear friends, you may have had a season of Fridays and Saturdays. But let this Easter Sunday remind you of the resurrected power alive within you. Let it remind you that Friday and Saturday won’t last forever. Let it remind you that God keeps His promises. He said death couldn’t hold Him and it didn’t. He said He would arise from the dead and He did. He will keep His promises concerning you as well.

Sunday has come, my friends! Today is a good day for a resurrection!

Happy Resurrection Day!

“He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen. Come, see where his body was lying.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭28:6‬ ‭NLT‬‬

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