
Who should be the first to go? They were going into battle to face giants, to face trained armies, to take a land that had been promised. They were about to go into a war that would change their lives forever. “Who should we send first,” they inquired of God.

“Judah, for I have given them the victory.”

This week, many of my friends have asked for prayers for some serious struggles. I’m personally struggling to connect with my students. One night this week, as I was praying for my friends and my students, I felt overwhelmed by it all. I felt like Israel taking on giants of sickness, lack, loneliness, indifference, depression. I wanted to retreat.

But this morning as I am reading my bible study for #itiswritten, I have a revelation.

As we enter the battle, the first to go up should be “Judah -Praise”

Atmosphere changes when we praise.
Walls fall when we shout of His goodness.
The enemy can’t stand in our presence when we stand in His presence.

So as you face your giants today, start with praise. Start by declaring His goodness despite what you see. Get poised to take your promise land with a song, a dance, and a shout!

One worship leader put it this way, “There is a miracle in this place with my name on it and I’m going to put a praise on it.”

In a battle this morning? Send up a Praise first, because God has given you the victory over your circumstance!

“After the death of Joshua, the Israelites asked the Lord, “Which tribe should go first to attack the Canaanites?” The Lord answered, “Judah, for I have given them victory over the land.””
‭‭Judges‬ ‭1:1-2‬ ‭NLT‬‬