Do You have a Not Yet?

Do you have an impossible? Do you have an area in your life that you have given up on? You have prayed and prayed. Days turned to weeks; weeks to months; months to years until you finally resign and accept the situation as your fate? Do you have an impossible?

I do. Actually more than I care to admit. I’ve found joy despite of. I’m happy regardless. My life is full no matter. But still, those impossibles loom out there like an elusive “hope” diamond. But then I read promises like: “Nothing is impossible with God.” And I’m inspired. I’m encouraged to pray for my impossibles. My faith is activated and suddenly I believe once again that what I have called impossible is in fact possible with God.

So today, I’m believing once again. I’m renaming my impossibles to my “not yets” . I’m refusing satisfaction but remaining content while I pursue my “not yets” in prayer. I’m believing that yes, ALL things are possible for him who believe.

Will you join me?

“But what seems impossible to you is never impossible to God!” Matthew‬ ‭19:26‬b ‭TPT‬‬

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