Attitude Determines Altitude

It had been forty years since their last attempt to enter the promised land. But now was their time. Now was their season.

What changed in forty years?

God was still the same God. The God who promised to give them a land flowing with milk and honey, who had promised to deliver the inhabitants of the land into their hands, 40 years prior was the same. God had not grown more powerful, more capable, more faithful.

The land had not changed. There were still giants. The land still needed to be conquered. Israel would still need to engage in warfare to receive this land.

So what made this attempt different? Why could they do today what they refused to do 40 years ago?

Perhaps the difference was attitude.

1. They had to shed their slavery/poverty attitude. They left Egypt after years of oppression. The story of Abraham, this great man of faith, had been passed down from generation to generation. The story of the great leader Joseph who had save Egypt from famine was also passed down. But they had no personal stories of their own for four hundred years. Although they had seen the parting of the sea, it was not enough to overcome 400 years of oppression. They saw them themselves as defeated and so they fulfilled their promises.

2. Frustration. Forty years is a long time to wander. Perhaps they got tired of wandering, tired of going around in circles. Frustration can sometimes be the best motivation. Their lack of progress motivated them to move forward.

3. Confidence. The prostitute, Rahab, informed the spies, their enemies were afraid of them. She gave them a different perspective.

If you are stuck, knowing God has given you a promise but you just can’t seem to breakthrough, perhaps your breakthrough will begin with a change of attitude.

1. Remember what God has done for you in the past. Read your bible and allow the miracles in the word to encourage you. Listen to other people’s testimony. God is the same yesterday and forever. He is no respecter of person. What He did for others, He will do for you.

2. Sometimes you must get sick and tired of being sick and tired. Allow the frustration you feel to spur you on to make a change. Let it give you the courage to take a risk and step out in faith.

3. Know your enemy is afraid of the God in you. He is a toothless dog. Do not be intimidated by his bark. He was defeated and humiliated at the cross. Hold your head high, step out in faith, and walk in your destiny.

Your attitude determines your altitude.

“And they said to Joshua, “Truly the LORD has delivered all the land into our hands, for indeed all the inhabitants of the country are fainthearted because of us.””
‭‭Joshua‬ ‭2:24‬ ‭NKJV‬‬