It’s is His Word that is sustaining me. 

His Word is giving me hope. 

His Word is feeding me. 

So many nights I go to bed thinking, “tomorrow I’m quitting every thing”, only to be encouraged by His Word that next morning.

I’m clinging to His promise “this will work together for my good.”

I’m declaring His truth, “His grace is sufficient.”

I’m singing, “He is for me.”

I’m anchored in the truth, “He wants to prosper me and give me a future.” 

I am convinced “neither height, nor depth, nor Covid, nor pandemic living, nor tiredness, nor political season, nor racism, nor sleep deprivation, nor death, nor darkness shall separate me from God’s love.”

The only way, I can face today is to believe Him when He said, “He is with me as I’m walking through the water. I will not be overwhelmed by this river. I will not be scorched by this fire.” 

I stand with King David and declare, “If I did not believe His promises, if I were not clinging to His Word, if I did not trust I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living, I would have lost heart. I would be discouraged. Bitterness would win. 

You see, I have to believe his word is true. I have to be like the Psalmist and delight in His Word. I have to meditate on His Word. I’m fighting for my joy. I’m fighting for my peace. I’m fighting for my sanity. I’m fighting so I can fight for others. I’m fighting so I can teach others how to fight. 

His Word is sustaining me.

“I long for your salvation; I put my hope in your word. If your instruction had not been my delight, I would have died in my affliction.”

Psalms 119:81, 92 CSB